
Iron Stamped with Soft Enamel

Description: Iron is the most economical material option. It is designed for large volume users because the price is incredible. The iron base is first hand filled with vivid enamel colors and then baked to a hard finish. It can be done in nickel or brass plating and may be used with or without epoxy.

Plating: Gold/ Nickel/ Brass/ Black Nickel

Standard Thickness:1.0mm~2.0mm

Color Reference: Pantone Color Chart

Epoxy Coating:With or Without

三穗县| 河源市| 旅游| 广汉市| 西城区| 白银市| 诏安县| 南通市| 闻喜县| 哈尔滨市| 岫岩| 香港| 偏关县| 株洲市| 马公市| 东乡| 扶绥县| 师宗县| 资阳市| 岱山县| 宿州市| 三江| 葫芦岛市| 阳原县| 连州市| 通化县| 明水县| 昌宁县| 溧水县| 河源市| 塘沽区| 德昌县| 吐鲁番市| 龙岩市| 怀远县| 宿迁市| 长春市| 永平县| 礼泉县| 凤阳县| 江阴市|