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Top Tree is aware of the importance of the fair and ethical employment practices and the safe working environment to our employees. Top Tree has complied with a social responsibility program, which is reviewed and qualified by well-known audit organizations. Our factory has completed policies in all areas of hiring, employment and workplace health and safety.

1.No Child labor

No person employed under the age of 16.

2.Juvenile Protection and Age Verification

Top Tree has a HR system to ensure the age of our employees. Any Juvenile workers hired in our factory are protected by applied laws and regulations.

3.No Forced Labor

Top Tree has treated their employees with respect. We do not use any forced or involuntary labor.

4.No Discrimination

No person will be discriminated in hiring and employment practices on grounds of race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, political affiliation, or disability

5.Discipline, Harassment, and Abuse

Top Tree has a clear and uniform disciplinary procedure that complies with legal requirements and has an internal system where employees can raise issues of concern to management without fear of reprisals or negative repercussions. Employees are free from physical abuse, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment

6.Freedom of Association

All employees are respected to join organizations of their own choosing and to lawfully organize and bargain collectively without fear of penalty or interference.

7.Working Hours

All work hours are in compliance with applicable national laws and regulations. In special circumstances that require an extension of working hours, the extended working hours shall be less than 3 hours a day and 36 hours a month on condition that the health of employees is guaranteed.

8.Wages and Benefits

Top Tree has complied with all applicable labor laws, regulations and industry standards, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime wages and other elements of compensation, and provide legally mandated benefits.

9.Other Laws and Regulations

Top Tree has complied with all applicable national, state, and local laws and regulations.

10.Health and Safety

Top Tree has provided employees with a safe and healthy workplace in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and designed to prevent accidents and injuries arising out of or occurring during the course of work.

11.Environmental Protection

Top Tree has implemented a recycle and reuse program. Hazardous materials have a proper hazardous storage area and hazardous wastes are properly handled and disposed.

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